Cure With Care


Myths & Facts

Myth 1: Ayurveda is primitive and not a scientific system of Medicine.
Myth 2: Ayurvedic Principles Are Different From Modern Science.
Myth 3: Ayurveda is slow acting & good only for chronic illness.
Myth 4: Ayurveda is all about herbs and herbs only
Myth 5: Ayurvedic medicines are free from side – effects
Myth 6 : Some Ayurvedic drugs contain heavy metals that cause toxic effects on the liver and kidney.
Myth 7: Ayurveda medicines are harmless and thus self-prescribed
Myth 8: All Ayurvedic Treatments Include Massage.
Myth 9: Panchakarma means body massage
Myth10: Ayurveda Do Not Perform Clinical Trials & there is no standardization in Medicine.
Myth 11: Ayurveda belongs to Kerala